On such a special day, we gather the flowers and plants that are most popular as gifts for mothers and grandmothers.
Do you understand the language of flowers? Each flower and plant has a meaning, and when it comes to giving them as gifts, it is important to consider the message you want to convey as well as the specific tastes of the person who will receive it. That is why we have compiled a small list of the flowers and plants that are most popular on Mother’s Day, the first Sunday in May.
Roses represent love in general, but depending on the colour chosen, they symbolise a different type of love. While red roses are the most well-known symbol of romantic love, white roses represent pure love and innocence, pink roses represent devotion and gratitude, orange roses represent joy, and yellow roses represent friendship.
Giving a rosebush with white or pink roses is a good idea because, in addition to the flowers’ symbolism, it adds the experience of caring for and nurturing a living being to help it grow.
Carnations are also a popular Mother’s Day gift because they bloom in May and continue to bloom throughout the summer. Although a bouquet of flowers is often given as a gift for mothers, it is also a good idea to give a plant.
Carnations have different meanings depending on their colour, so for the mentioned day, we recommend giving pink or white carnations, as the former symbolise unconditional love and the latter purity and innocence.
Sunflowers, with their intense tones and size, are impressive flowers that also convey joy and positive energy. They bloom in the summer and carry on until early autumn, giving the house a colourful and vibrant appearance that is ideal.
Orchids are flowers that represent purity as well as elegance and beauty. They are unique and showy flowers. The plants require special care, but they are prized for their decorative appearance and vibrancy.
As previously stated, it is critical to know the person to whom we are giving the gift, as well as their flower preferences and knowledge of plant care. At Miami Garden, we will advise you on the best Mother’s Day gift options as well as care instructions for the selected plant.